公益財団法人 放射線影響協会 Radiation epidemiological studies

Radiation Epidemiological study

Radiation Epidemiological Study

Radiation workers and dose registry in Japan
In Japan, the operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants is carried out not only by employees of electric power companies but also by employees of
many nuclear energy-related companies including subcontractors. In order to centrally manage the dose records of workers who might move from company to
company, the Radiation Dose Registry Center was established by the Radiation Effects Association (REA) in 1977.
Mission of the REA
The REA has two missions related to the radiation exposure of nuclear workers; one is managing the above-mentioned dose registry, and the other is performing the radiation epidemiology study.
Radiation epidemiological study
The REA has studied a cohort of radiation workers since 1990 and have compiled a study report in Japanese every five years.

Summary of the fifth study report
The Fifth Study Report (Summary)
Papers and Presentations by staff of REA
Papers and Presentations by staff of REA
REA Views for Papers
INWORKS study : risk of leukaemia from protracted radiation exposure(October 2015)

・REA Views on the BMJ Article by Dr. E. Cardis at IARC and co-authors
Title of article : Risk of cancer after low doses of ionizing radiation - retrospective cohort study in 15 countries(July 2005)

・Contact overall
TEL +81-3-5295-1494
FAX +81-3-5295-1485

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